
George is a part time blogger and full time skeptic. In fact, he’s skeptical that this is even a picture of him.

George W.

George Waye is a thirty-something father of five.

He is not a scientist, philosopher, theologian or IT specialist.  As such, his opinions should not carry much weight. George is, however,  attentive, reasonable, questioning, and patient.  That fact must account for something.  This blog is his attempt to get other bloggers who tell him to “get your own damn blog and stop clogging up mine” to shut the hell up.  He doubts it will work.

George is happy to hear your opinion, is willing to consider your arguments, but won’t guarantee to respect it.  He wants you to know that if you have a problem with that then post somewhere else;  or post here and bitch about it, but don’t expect him to care too much.

George also apparently enjoys talking in the third -person.

Reach me by e-mail @ George Waye (but not capitalized and all one word) ampersat consultant period com

I reserve the right to publish (and attribute) e-mail I receive, whether solicited or not, at any time on this blog.  I own messages you send me- you gave them to me– remember that.  This does not mean I refuse to respect your privacy, and on principle I will not publish something I felt was heartfelt or personal in nature.


Occasional contributor to Misplaced Grace, zqtx is a friend of this blog.

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16 Responses to “About”

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Kate here. Just wanted you to know I’ve been working on a point by point facing of the facts you had presented in your trackback, and apologize for having neglected to do so earlier.

I am also, now, so moved by your recent comment to my podcast, that I will be addressing it, point-by-point as well.

What I wondered was, would you like me to post this lengthy stuff, or get it to you via your email address?

It is detailed and lengthy. What is taking so long is that your points require pretty lengthy thought–which I do appreciate, and even enjoy.

Anyway, love your site. You are the first person to actually cause me to crack up laughing in a long, long time! e.g. rhymes with jesus…you are truly a gifted communicator. Glad our paths crossed.

I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me. If you don’t mind, I’ll likely cross post your response and deal with it here as well as on your site. I started this blog in the hopes of having meaningful conversations with people I don’t agree with, so I look forward to our exchange.
So please, post it to your site, I’ll cross post and reply, and give you the same courtesy by keeping the conversation on both blogs.
I’m writing a post this morning about where I got the name Misplaced Grace, so be curious no longer.

Hey, Just stopping in to see what’s been on your mind! Remember me…that weird skeptical theist?? Anyway, glad to see you’re still blogging!


Happy New Year to you! I feel bad that we never really finished our discussion, let’s resolve to keep in touch this year. I really respect you, and I hope to keep the discussion going. Feel free to follow the conversation we are having with Peter, which you can jump into by reading my latest post and clicking on the links(don’t forget to click the one I gave in the comments section, as this is where the fresh argument is happening).
I think this is a subject that will interest you, ties in nicely with our last conversation, and can act as a primer for more discussions between us.
Hope to hear from you soon, stay in touch…

Hey, I can’t figure out pingback…you tried to teach me once, but anyway…just wanted to give you a reply to your comment on my “Apologetics…what’s the Use?

I actually appreciated all that you had said. I will say that in my paper…which I was planning to send into zondervan, as they are now accepting academic stuff, I basically have a “theory” (even though, technically it can’t be called that, because it isn’t exactly testable…but it is basically my thesis on a multi-system dependent reality, whereby evolution, natural selection, M Theory (particularly resonance) are mechanisms which could be used by an E.T. which is intelligent.

It suggests that mathematicians and physicists look into a “two-system” idea for reality, whereby…well, I’ll tell you after Zondervan rejects me…

Anyway, the more I write it, the more I ask myself, “What is the use? I mean, if I were arguing to change someone’s mind or convince someone of something I really substantially believe in, then fine, but people aren’t buying into it, George…so my question is, why bother?? Shouldn’t I change my audience to believers? I just can’t win this argument, and I admit that, humbly. But I LOVE to write (and argue…and win arguments). Anyway, always love hearing from your fresh point of view.


You are a funny man. I think you would make a tremendous follower of Jesus!
Have a great day.

I applaud you for taking the time to respond to me! Even if it is a snarky two line drive-by. I expected a little more from a “Dr.”, maybe a well thought out rebuttal of my points.
What’s that you say?
“Your weak points deserve no rebuttal, George.”?
Wow, really intelligent! Did you learn that trick in seminary school?
You at least are smart enough to avoid an argument you cannot win- you understand as well as I do that your conviction of Bell is petty, premature, and personal. Just like you realize as well as I that your three posts about “atheism=agnostic” are silly word games that do not hold up to scrutiny. You at least know when to “hold or fold”.
I’ll say it again for clarity: Apologetics is about reinforcement, not reality. It exists to persuade believers to keep believing, not to persuade anyone else.
Larry, I wish I could reciprocate the compliment….You are not a funny man, I think you do more harm than good as a follower of Jesus- I think if Jesus’ sacrifice is real, if we all owe our potential salvation to Christ- that you continually spit in His face with your dishonest support of dogma over reason.
Have a great day!

I also appreciate that you can’t be bothered to respond to any of my direct posts. Commenting on the “About” page is proof that you aren’t interested in ideas, just in passive-aggressively acknowledging my existence.
Do I seem mad to you Larry?
My problem is this. You, to me, are a Money-Changer. You are sitting in the Temple, claiming to do God’s work, when you clearly are satisfying yourself.
You go about your business as if no-one has asked you to defend your actions. If someone takes my logic to task, I defend it, else I need to seriously reconsider it.
Not you, apparently. You are a Pharisee, I am just a lowly citizen. You have special privilege in this lifetime.
Jesus reproved those who disagreed, you just ignore them.
So with that said, you are quite right, I might make a tremendous follower of Jesus. I try my best, even as an atheist, to emulate great thinkers. Jesus was certainly that.
I really wish more people tried to do the same….

Nelson thinks George is a talented writer with an enlightened and inqusitive mind. He has considered subscribing to this blog.

Hi, George. I’ve been a fan of Pharyngula and other skeptical/atheist blogs for a number of years now but this is the first time I’ve encountered another NB’er on any of those sites. I’d be happy to meet for coffee sometime. Especially if N&C is/are interested, too.

I’m totally up for that. I hope N&C reads the follow up comments. I’ve been on a blog hiatus for a few months, but I hope you take the time to read more of my stuff. Right now I’m guest blogging over at cafewitteveen.wordpress.com, at least until the 12th. The experience has reminded me why I loved blogging in the first place.
Now that I have your e-mail, I’ll send you a personal message. Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Hi George and Blondin,
Its great to hear from the both of you fellow North Bay-ers! We (my husband and I) would be up for a meet up -maybe at Tim Hortons at Algonquin and Seymour? It would be interesting to hear about your stories and experiences in Skepticism. Maybe a future skeptics in the pub?

This is really exciting! I have wanted to extend my atheism into meatspace for a while now, and it’s nice to stumble across some like minded Bayites.
I’ll send you an e-mail, thanks for taking the time to respond!

George – you my friend are brilliant. I have added you to my blog roll.

Thanks Nelson, though time will tell if that is a foolish idea.
I have been reading your posts for a while now, and though I disagree with much- I find none of it boring.

[…] is a guest post by George Waye of the blog Misplaced Grace. This post is a book review of M. Dolon Hickman’s novel 13:24: A Story of Faith and […]

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